Humboldt Univesitat, Berlin
Grimm Zentrum
- 190 Libraries moved into 12, 3 are very large, Social sciences are in Grimm Zentrum. C.2M books on open stacks. (+1M in closed stacks?) Accommodates 12 libraries. Very high circulation of books.

- 4100 visitors per day, 1.4m per year.
- Lockers very important, 1500 lockers, 1000 work stations.
- Library free to German residents, except textbook collection and carrells.
- 50% of users are external to HUB.
- 8am – midnight (no service 10pm – 12)
- Extended hours only possible since amalgamation of libraries.
- Laptops can be taken into libraries, not in bags. Only clear bags can go into library, hence need for lockers. No lending except from textbook collections.
- 22KM² building, 7 floors for library, (9 in total) completed in 2009. Building began 2005. Max Düdler – Swiss Architect designed building in rectilinear style €75M cost. Same cost per sq m as Technische Univesitat.
- Building has terraced reader space
- Computer service – manages workstations. Normally 1 person on issue desk; 8 self issue, 2 return kiosks. Automated sorters and book transport between floors. 039
- Environmental controls are slow to react. Budget was cut.
- Have day carrels – no booking.